February 15, 2010


My priorities... I know I have them and I try and live daily by the order I rank them in and what is most important to me, yet I slip up and don't always do what comes first. There are some that are consistent and some that may change day to day depending on the situation. In high school, or just before I had started attending OU, my priorities were a little different than they are now. In high school the order was probably close to something like this:

God/ Time for myself
Having Fun/ Working out

I was also involved in a lot of clubs/organizations and activities during high school and that ranked pretty high also, I just didn't know exactly where to put that in because it varied day by day. Homework and studying were towards the bottom of the list, mainly because in high school there wasn't much homework given, if any at all. If there was assigned homework it was usually easy or short enough to do right before the class or finish during another class. There were the occassional tests, projects, and papers that took a little bit more of my time, but looking back compared to now, it seems like nobody even put much time into them and yet, still got a decent grade.

Now at OU though, my priorties have definitely changed. They are still the same priorities, just in a different order:

God/ Time for myself
Friends- if something is urgent. If it's just friends wanting to have fun, sometimes I can't.
Having fun/ Working out

Homework and studying are both so much more important now. In high school they say, "they are preparing us for college or for the real world." No, not at all. I don't feel like they prepared us enough. Maybe college students wouldn't feel so overwhelmed their first year in college if during high school the faculty and staff made students do a bit more studying, made assignments a little more difficult, and made us actually have to study for the tests in order to do well.

I'm sure that as I get older my priorities will change again. I will eventually want to get married, start a family, start my career, and different priorities in a different order will take place. That's okay with me though, I think I will be just fine without all the homework and studying :) Sometimes I slip up and don't go by that order but I'm working on improving that! Well, I have to go now. Have to go type a paper for english.

Have a good week!


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