February 23, 2010

Letter from OU

Seniors at Westmoore High School,

While in high school it seems as though every little dramatic thing that happens is SUCH a big deal and you just know that it is absolutely going to kill you or completely ruin who you are. Well erase that thought because it is wrong. High school is only a small portion of your life and you need to remember that. It is a fun, memorable, crazy, dramatic portion, but nevertheless it is just another chapter in your life that you will make it through.

Some things I think you should know as your senior year slowly starts to come to an end are things that I wish someone would have told me when I was in your position. First, life does go on. Things will happen that make you upset or angry but it is how you deal with it that will shape you into who you are going to become. If something bad happens, don't sit around crying all the time and trying to make people feel sorry for you, it is pointless. Life will continue to go on around you so do not try and put your life on hold for too long, get out and do something about the situation! Also, I am sorry to break it to you but people will be mean and bad things will happen (even to good people), how you deal with those problems will reflect how strong and happy of a person you will you be.

Second, don't let your pride get in the way. Get involved in school activities and go all out. If there are dress up days, spirit days, etc. have fun with it. Once you get older, out of school, and have started your career, you don't get opportunities like that. Nobody ever seems to regret the positive things that they did or were apart of, they regret things that they did not do. "Regret for things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable" -Sydney Smith. You don't want to be one that looks back and thinks, "if only..." So go out and live, experience as much as you can so that hopefully you can regret as little as possible later in life.

There are so many things I could say to help you and things I could tell you to watch out for but that could end up being a novel. So to wrap it up, here are the last few things to keep in mind: Keep an open mind after high school and know that there is a far bigger world out there than you even realize. You do not know everything and nobody is going to bow down to you. Remind yourself that you are only one person in this big, big world and hopefully that will keep you humble. Figure out what motivates you and do not let go of it. Work hard for what you want, it will eventually pay off. Also remember to not let your obstacles take you down, you can handle whatever is tossed your way, I promise, just don't give up.

You may need to learn all of these things for yourself through your own experiences, but hopefully they stay in the back of your mind and positively influence and encourage you.

Good luck!

P.S.- Don't forget to laugh, it really is the best medicine :)

1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE your writings! You are so right...you could kick off writing a book with this blog!
